2023 trip around Norway, part 2

2023 trip around Norway, part 2

Day 9, Glomfjord hotel The next day the weather was not good and the prognosis was not looking good either, so we packed our tent once again, and this time, we headed south. As we were driving we did not really see that many camping sites, only a few. We decided to...

Trip around Norway, summer 2023, part 1

Trip around Norway, summer 2023, part 1

How many years has it been since I went to Norway? So many. 9 actually. And so many paintings born from this quiet longing. It was so many years that I had stopped hoping for going there in the near future. But in July 2023, I was there in real life for two weeks. I...

The starting months of the year

The starting months of the year

At the very beginning od February I travelled to the city of Bratislava to take down the exhibition and take my artworks home. The exhibition was actually prolonged to the end of February, because the response was so positive, which warmed my heart a lot. The...

Greetings to a grey lake

Greetings to a grey lake

There is a new painting that I just finished. I called it "Greetings to a grey lake. This painting was inspired by a brief stop we made by the river Skeleftea in Sweden in summer 2023. There was something about the stones in the water that made me remember this place...

Kingdom of ice – instrumental song

Kingdom of ice – instrumental song

I have created a track called "Kingdom of ice" which you can find on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yAHj3Y2C-A The picture that inspired me to make this song was the painting "Swimmers" from the artist Richard Cartwright.

What I am working on

What I am working on

I am gonna share a bit from my creation process in this blog post, particularly what paintings are in the process of being created. Currently I have 6 paintings that I am working on and many are in the beginning stages. I like to have a few going at a time, because...

First plein air painting

First plein air painting

On May 1st I decided to go out on a plein air painting trip. It was nice weather and temperature to finally be outside and do it there. I was also eager to try something new and learn in a different way. Perhaps a plein air painting could teach me something that...

My painting creation process

My painting creation process

This is a fairly simple topic that I am gonna write about today, I simply want to share my process of how I create a painting. First of all, my painting style is pretty illustrative, that means that most of the times I want to materialize or portray an idea or a...