A journey to experiencing the beyond ordinary


In my work I follow the same natural captivation that I followed when I was a child. I seek to experience the pleasure that comes from sensing the present moment, from being immersed in the beauty seen but not explained. We adults, too, can become sailors of the sky, dive into the world of the mysterious, let our minds melt and freeze into a whole glacier, slide down a mountain. There is a world that is just a step beyond the ordinary. There is still something greater than ourselves, even in an age in which humankind rules so much space and knowledge.

Monika Zimová (*2001) is a young slovak artist from Nitra, a graduate of art school under the guidance of Soňa Mrázová. Since childhood she portrays landscapes in her artwork, which has led her to developing her unique style. The artist is currently a student of applied ecology in the University of Constantine philosopher in Nitra for the third year.

In 2023 she recieved two awards in two levels of the national contest „Výtvarné Spektrum“ (art spectrum). Despite her young age she already has a few successful exhibitions under her belt. She held solo exhibitions „Ľudské skrýše“(Human hideaways) in the regional library of Karol Kmeťko in Nitra (2023), „Inspired by scandinavia“ in Ponitrianske museum(2020) and an exhibition of select Works in Art Caffe Nitra (2018). From group exhibitions she appeared in „Ponorení v krajinách“(Immersed in landscapes) in The house of arts in Piešťany(2021) and „Under the trees“ in Pálffy paláce in Bratislava (2020). The reproductions of her artwork are sold as souvenir products directly in the center of Reykjavik already for the second year.

CV - exhibitions and publications

2024, April – Kunstartum, online blog about art and architecture, https://kunstartum.com/tvorba-monika-zimova/

November 2023 – January 2024 – Human hideaways exhibition – The gallery of The national bank of Slovakia, https://nbs.sk/o-narodnej-banke/vystavy/

2023, November – Article in Beevam magazine https://beevam.sk/2023/11/07/rozhovor-s-talentovanou-maliarkou-monikou-zimovou-rozpravam-sa-s-prirodou-cez-obrazy/

2023, June – ABASCUS virtual exhibition, UK. www.freshsalad.cargo.site

2023, May – Výtvarné spektrum (Art spectrum) regional contest, recieved honorable mention, proceeded to the national level of this contest.

2023, May – Výtvarné spektrum – group exhibition, Topoľčany, Slovakia

2023, May – Talent prize award (Teravarna Art Gallery).

2023, March – Region art contest, recieved honorable mention, proceeded to higer level of this contest.

2023, March – Region art contest – group exhibition, Nitra, Slovakia

2023, March – Artist Talk Magazine – artwork featured, page 132, https://issuu.com/artisttalkmagazine/docs/artist_talk_magazine_issue_24/132

2023, March – Artist Talk Magazine short article, https://www.artisttalkmagazine.com/landscape-magic-tucked-away-in-daydreams-monika-zimovas-artwork

2023, January – “Human hideaways”(“Ľudské skrýše”) solo exhibition at the regional Library Krajská knižnica Karola Kmeťka v Nitre

2022, November – VITALITA magazine interview, online version here: https://www.evitalita.sk/news/carovne-miesta/

2022, July – Saga Store, Reykjavik – artwork products sold at a busy tourist shop in the centre of Reykjavik.

2021, September – Dom umenia (House of Arts), Piešťany, Slovakia, group exhibition “Immersed in landscapes (Ponorení v krajinách”

2020, March – Inšpirované Škandináviou (Inspired by Scandinavia) solo exhibition at Ponitrianske múzeum v Nitre (Ponitrianske museum in Nitra)

2020, Máj – Pálffyho palác in Bratislava (Pallfy pallace in Bratislava), group exhibition “Under the trees”

2019, June – Soňa Mrázová´s plein air painting workshop in Lukáčovce, Slovakia.

2018, November – Art cafe, Nitra, solo exhibition of selected work.

2018, June – Tralaškola art school absolvent´s exhibition, https://www.tralaskola.sk/galeria/vernisaz-1262018


The gallery of The national bank of Slovakia
Souvenir items Iceland postcards
Art exhibition of Monika Zimová
Plagát Monika Zimová výstava obrazov
Výtvarné spektrum 2023
Artist Talk Magazine, Monika Zimová
virtual art exhibition ABASCUS